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The First C Program




main Function

  • A program exits successfully if and only if its main function returns 0 .
    • If the return type is compatible with int and control reaches the terminating } , the value returned to the environment is the same as if executing return 0;

printf & scanf

  • #include <stdio.h>
  • printf
    • Will %d convert? More below at
  • scanf
    • %?: type of variable
    • NOTE: %dwill skip any leading whitespaces
      • "whitespace": space, newline || return(\n / \r), tab(\t), etc
        • Standard:
          whitespace characters: any single whitespace character in the format string consumes all available consecutive whitespace characters from the input (determined as if by calling isspace in a loop). Note that there is no difference between "\n" , "" , "\t\t" , or other whitespace in the format string.
        • More below at [[#Note about format string in scanf]]

Note about format string in scanf


  • %d: Reads nums when non-whitespace char occurred
  • \n: Reads newline and discard any whitespace char after it (or until non-whitespace char occurred)

According to the ref:

  • The format of the number is the same as expected by strtol with the value 10 for the base argument.
    • strol is a function to convert string to long int
      • ref: Interprets an integer value in a byte string pointed to by str
  • How does strol parse a string?
    • Discards any whitespace characters (as identified by calling isspace ) until the first non-whitespace character is found, then...

Case I: "%d\n%d\n"

// Input #0
1 // Enter
2 // Enter
// Enter (Did not stop, still waiting)
3 // Enter
// Stopped, received 1, 2

// Input #1
1 2// Enter
// Enter (Did not stop, still waiting)
3 //Enter
// Stopped, received 1, 2

// Input #2
1 2 3//Enter
// Stopped, received 1, 2

Summary: It will wait you untill you've entered a non-whitespace character

Case II: %d\n%d

// Input #0
1 2// Enter
// Stopped, received 1, 2

Case III: %d%d

// Input #0
1 2// Enter
// Stopped, received 1, 2


  • %d: Reads nums when non-whitespace char occurred
  • \n: Reads newline and discard any whitespace char after it (or until non-whitespace char occurred)


  • Case I
    • Read 1\n
      • \n marks the end of %d, so scanf accpeted 1 and gave \n back to input buffer
    • Read \n (or many other whitespace charaters)
      • \n meets the need of \n, and scanf accepted it and wait until another whitespace char occurred(2)
    • Read 2\n
      • 2 is a non-whitespace charater, marks the end of \n
      • 2\n meets the need of the 2nd %d, and give \n back to buffer again
    • Read \n*n
      • \n meets the need of \n, wait non-whitespace charater
    • Read 3
      • Here 3 is a non-whitespace charater, it marks the end of \n, stop.

Note about printf

  • print %ld with %d?
// Case I:
double pi = 3.14;
printf("%d\n", pi);
// Output: 1374389535

// Case II:
double pi = 3.14;
int pi_int = pi; // pi_int 值为 3
printf("%d\n", pi_int);
// Output: 3

这里的 double 为什么这么奇怪

conversion specifier 与对应的变量类型不匹配是 undefined behavior,不是每个平台、环境都会得到这个输出


x86-64 clang 的编译环境下,3.14 将会按照IEEE 754标准进行存储

.quad   0x40091eb851eb851f     # double 3.1400000000000001



如果输出为 long long ,即可看到对应的数字:4614253070214989087